- This event has passed.
March 27, 2020, 8:00 am - March 28, 2020, 5:00 pm EDT
About: The 2-days workshop on Statistical Machine Learning will consist of 12 invited talks from various leaders in the field, and submitted posters + lightning talks by postdoctoral and graduating PhD researchers.
As space is limited, we encourage (free) registration. However, as we are limiting the number of registrants, please register only if you are mostly sure about attending, so as to not bump out other potential attendees.
Call for Posters (and lightning talks): We are inviting poster submissions (title and abstracts) from postdocs and advanced PhD students on all topics in statistical machine learning and related fields. Many of the submitted posters will be selected for lightning talks, as time constraints permit. Submissions are now open until Wednesday March 4th 12pm eastern, and accepted posters will be notified by Monday March 9.
Please submit poster abstracts here. We look forward to your participation.
Confirmed Speakers:
- Alex Dimakis, University of Texas, Austin
- Joan Bruna Estrach, New York University, Courant Institute
- Elad Hazan, Princeton University
- Matt Hoffman, Google Research
- Stefanie Jegelka, MIT
- Adam Klivans, University of Texas, Austin, visiting IAS Princeton
- Gabor Lugosi, Pompeu Fabra University
- Zongming Ma, University of Pennsylvania
- Marina Meila, University of Washington
- Vahab Mirrokni, Google Research
- Csaba Szepesvari, University of Alberta, Deep Mind
- Mengdi Wang, Princeton University
Location: SSW 311-312
Shipra Agrawal, Daniel Hsu, Samory Kpotufe, Po-Ling Loh, Arian Maleki, Cindy Rush